Uno-Bitcoin is a matrix-based system that promises to help users earn Bitcoin through referrals. The matrix used in the system is a 3×5 matrix, which means that each user has a team of up to 3 people on their first level, and up to 5 levels of referrals below them.
In the Uno-Bitcoin matrix, each level has a different payout structure, and users earn a portion of the Bitcoin paid by their referrals. For example, on level 1, a user’s direct referral gives them 0.0001 Bitcoin, and they must give 0.0002 Bitcoin to their referrer, 0.001 Bitcoin to their referrer’s referrer, 0.002 Bitcoin to their referrer’s referrer’s referrer, and 0.004 Bitcoin to their referrer’s referrer’s referrer’s referrer.
The same process is followed for levels 2 through 5, with the payouts and donations increasing at each level. Users can have an unlimited number of people on their first level, and spill-overs occur when a user’s referrals have already paid the required donations to someone else in their upline. The system ensures that each user receives the donations they are owed before spill-overs occur.
However, there is a catch to the Uno-Bitcoin system. If a user does not have the required level active or has not completed that level, any donations owed to them will pass up to their referrer or someone else in their upline who is eligible. This means that users must continually upgrade their levels to ensure they receive the maximum amount of donations owed to them.
Additionally, there is a time limit for users to upgrade to each level. If a user’s 48-hour timer to upgrade to level 1 expires, their account will be deleted. This is to ensure that the system is continually being refreshed with active users who are contributing to the Bitcoin payouts.
The spill-over system used in the Uno-Bitcoin matrix is what makes it unique compared to other matrix-based systems. Spill-overs occur when a user’s referrals have already paid their donations to someone else in their upline. These spill-overs are attributed to upgrading to the next level, which ensures that everyone in the matrix has the potential to receive donations and encourages users to upgrade their levels.
Overall, the Uno-Bitcoin matrix system is a way for users to earn Bitcoin through referrals and donations. While it may seem complicated, the system ensures that each user receives the donations owed to them before spill-overs occur. Users must continually upgrade their levels to ensure they receive the maximum amount of donations owed to them, and there is a time limit for upgrading to each level to keep the system active and refreshed with active users. The spill-over system used in the matrix ensures that everyone in the matrix has the potential to receive donations and encourages users to upgrade their levels.
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